Health and Safety services

Do you want to be sure that all issues related to occupational health and safety are conducted at the highest level? Choose to outsource - give us a permanent and full health and safety service for your company.

How to do it?

The whole process takes only few steps: 

1. Contact

You contact us to say you would like to start permanent cooperation with us.

2. Contract

Together we decide about terms and conditions of our contract and then we sign it.

3. Audit

We carry out health and safety audit so we know your current situation, we find out what shall we do to achieve the desired level of health and safety and we establish the best action plan.

4. Action

In line with the signed contract, we put our action plan into practice.

What exactly do we do as a part of the health and safety service?


You have them guaranteed under one contract: general, initial and periodic trainings for all of your employees, regardless of their number. Your employees are always up to date with their trainings.

We keep full documentation for you, such as:

  • training cards/certificates
  • occupational risk assessments
  • specific documentation when introducing new machines or technologies
  • accident and post-accident documentation

Your documents are always up-to-date, completed correctly and well organised.

We create procedures, health and safety instructions, Fire Safety Instructions. Your employees know what to do in any situation, in particular in case of health or life threatening events.

We participate in National Labour Inspectorate and Fire Brigade inspections. You can always count on our support and professional help.

Why is it worth it?

  • Fixed flat fee – with a fixed monthly cost, you can better optimise your business budget.
  • Certainty – you know that health and safety in you company is at its highest level.
  • We assign you a specialist – when you establish cooperation with us, we will assign you a specific health and safety specialist who will work for you. It will also be your first contact person if you  have any queries or issues. 


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JESTEŚ W ODPOWIEDNIM MIEJSCU. Chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej temat naszych szkoleń, prezentacji czy dokumentów? Masz dodatkowe pytania w kwestii nadzoru BHP podczas realizacji projektu? Chcesz zlecić nam stałą i pełną obsługę w zakresie BHP lub masz pytania dotyczące naszych usług i tego, co możemy dla Ciebie zrobić? A może chcesz dołączyć do programu afiliacyjnego i potrzebujesz więcej informacji?

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BHP Consulting
ul. Dworcowa 42, 09-402 Płock
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+48 24 263 45 69
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