Health and Safety supervision at the construction site

Are you an investor, general contractor or subcontractor of the new investment or renovation project?

In all cases you are obliged by law to health and safety supervision at the site. If you would like to liaise with specialists who have knowledge and experience in conducting supervision, then you are in the right hands. Our employees have extensive experience in many sectors: petrochemical, service, construction, power engineering, industry. We have also supported construction of many wind farms and subway.

Whow can we support you in providing health and safety supervision at your construction site?

We work
in the field

Documentation – so that your documents are thorough, organised and completed correctly.

We will check documents provided by your contractors and subcontractors.

We will analyse and evaluate them, concerning among others: work capacity, occupational health and safety training, work risk assessments, working methods, qualifications, authorizations, work permits.

We will help you to prepare thorough Health and Safety documentation for investment.

We will provide you with substantive support during the preparation of the necessary documentation, e.g. Safety and Health Protection Plan (BIOZ), Instruction for Safe Execution of Work (IBWR), other required directives, procedures, documents.

We work in the field and not only from our office – so your investment site is a safe place to work.

In the field:

  • We regularly monitor if work is done in line with agreed planning, standards, methods, law regulations and other requirements
  • We control the condition of used personal protective equipment PPE, tools, devices
  • We carry out an audit of the documentation of devices under Technical Inspection Authority (UDT) and relevant competences of their operators
  • We pay regular health and safety inspection visits followed by reports describing current state of health and safety
  • We issue post-inspection recommendations addressed to individual contractors and monitor their implementation
  • We promote safe work ethos throughout the duration of the investment

Trainings – so your employees follow health and safety rules every day.

  • We identify threats and provide contactors with relevant information regarding safety standards on a specific project. We can also offer introductory training
  • We organise and take part in regular meetings with investors and contractors where we present results of monitoring the level of compliance with health and safety standards during the investment. Those meetings are also great opportunity to express importance of compliance with health and safety procedures.
  • We conduct additional thematic trainings for construction workers depending on the type of work – ground work, work at heights, work in confined spaces, fire hazardous work.

Work accident – when it happens.

During the whole time, we aim in minimizing the risk of accidents. For this purpose, we report all incidents which potentially could be a serious accidents, straight away.

However, we realise that accidents may happen any time, despite the highest standards of health and safety. And when it happens, we will support you in assessing the causes and circumstances of the accident in accordance with the procedures established by law and in line with the contractor’s guideline.

What else do you need to know about us?

Our experts, who will work with you, have extensive knowledge about current law regulations and procedures, methods of work, machinery and technological processes. They will help you to choose the necessary solutions to minimize the risk of potential threats.

Additionally, we can act as a coordinator of health and safety of your project, referred to in Article 208 of the Labour Code. It should be ensured when work on one project is carried out by workers employed by different employers.

Why is it worth to work with us?

  • We provide comprehensive service.
  • We operate throughout the country.
  • We have experience in implementing safety systems on large construction sites and investments.
  • Our employees have many years of experience, extensive knowledge and full commitment.

Do you have any other questions regarding health and safety supervision during your investment? Please contact us and we will be more than happy to answer all your queries.


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