For our foreign partners

Polish workers but what next?

You join Polish market – you open a branch or a department. You know you will hire Polish workers but what next? From our conversations with our foreign partners, we know that you will face at least two types of difficulties: where to start to have everything organised at once?, how to go through the maze of legal requirements that apply to you in Poland as an employer?

We cannot help you in everything, but we certainly can help you in health and safety area in a few different ways:

a start
Health and
safety trainings
Health and
Safety presentations

If you, as an employer, would like to quickly and comprehensively learn about your duties with regards to your employees hired in Poland, please take a look at our publication:

Please see our publication

We offer different types of health and safety training: initial, periodic, thematic, also in English. All you have to do, is to choose the one you need and the most preferable format of it: online, e-learning, face to face, and you are done. All in professional and convenient way and in attractive price.

Trainings you can find in our e-shop:


It is invaluable teaching aid. Presentations available in our e-shop have been prepared by our health and safety specialists with many years of training experience. Comprehensive information and interesting graphic design make the trainees to gain the knowledge faster and remember more.

Go to our e-shop and check out our presentations in Polish, English and Ukrainian.

Initial training in English

Initial training in Ukrainian

The role and responsibilities of people managing employees in English

Periodic health and safety training for labourers in Polish

Periodic health and safety training for employers and other people managing employees in Polish

First Aid in English

And many more available here

When your company enters the Polish market

You may find yourself in the situation when you need health and safety documents in English. Sometimes you will just need them for yourself and sometimes having them will be an obligation. There is many documents templates available in our e-shop. All you need to do, is to complete them. And if you have any questions or doubts, you can contact us.

Templates of documents available in our e-shop:

Energy expenditure analysis

Occupational Health and Safety Management System documents to the standards of PN-ISO 45001:2018

Occupational risk assessments

If you need some documents in English – please contact us and ask for the price:

Ask for the price

When your clients join Polish market

If you provide health and safety assistance for your clients in their country and you find out they are going to open their branches in Poland, you can help them by referring them to us or by informing them about our service.

We realise, you may simply don’t remember to do so. Your client will not always ask you or you may not remember us. Therefore we encourage you to join our affiliate programme. All you need to do, is to put an affiliate link on your website with a short description. This will help the clients to find all the information and services they need. At the same time, you will earn – for every purchase made via the link, you will get commission.

Details of the affiliate programme:

Become our ally

If you have any other questions about our trainings, service or terms of support, please contact us.

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JESTEŚ W ODPOWIEDNIM MIEJSCU. Chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej temat naszych szkoleń, prezentacji czy dokumentów? Masz dodatkowe pytania w kwestii nadzoru BHP podczas realizacji projektu? Chcesz zlecić nam stałą i pełną obsługę w zakresie BHP lub masz pytania dotyczące naszych usług i tego, co możemy dla Ciebie zrobić? A może chcesz dołączyć do programu afiliacyjnego i potrzebujesz więcej informacji?

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+48 24 263 45 69
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