Periodic trainings

All employees, depending on the position, are required to undergo periodic training. Why? To recall, update and consolidate all the health and safety rules associated with the position.

We organize OHS periodic training for:

  • Employers and supervisors/managers,
  • Engineers and technical staff,
  • Office workers/administration,
  • labourers,
  • employees of occupational health and safety service and others who perform their duties.

E-lerningowe -ourses in Polish or English, available at the time of payment being logged by our system. You also get the opportunity to consult our H&S specialist.

Online – available in any convenient for you time. It is in a form of a webinar in a real time, where you get a chance to ask your trainer questions.

Face to face – Carried out in your company or in our training rooms.

How often periodic trainings should be carried out?

It depends on the employee’s position in your company:

  • at least once a year – labourers performing particularly dangerous work,
  • at least every 3 years – labourers,
  • at least every 5 years – employees of occupational health and safety service and other performing their duties,
  • at least every 5 years – engineers and technical workers,
  • at least every 5 years – employers, supervisors/managers,
  • at least every 6 years – office workers/administration.

Szukasz firmy, która z pełnym zaangażowaniem zajmie się wdrożeniem zasad BHP w Twojej firmie?

JESTEŚ W ODPOWIEDNIM MIEJSCU. Chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej temat naszych szkoleń, prezentacji czy dokumentów? Masz dodatkowe pytania w kwestii nadzoru BHP podczas realizacji projektu? Chcesz zlecić nam stałą i pełną obsługę w zakresie BHP lub masz pytania dotyczące naszych usług i tego, co możemy dla Ciebie zrobić? A może chcesz dołączyć do programu afiliacyjnego i potrzebujesz więcej informacji?

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+48 24 263 45 69
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