
When you are struggling with the difficult issue of health and safety. When a new regulation has entered into force and you are not sure how to interpret or implement.

Consultations and assistance provided by occupational health and safety experts and fire safety specialists.

If you struggle with difficult health and safety issue; or when new regulation is introduced, and you are not sure how to interpret it or how to implement it; or you have any queries regarding health and safety – take full advantage of the help available from our experts. We will instruct, explain, make suggestions.

We conduct health and safety assistance and advice for all industries.

What is the difference
between consultation and assistance?
What exactly are the
areas of consultation and assistance?
How do the consultations take
place (meetings, phone calls etc)?

Both, consultations and assistance are forms of supporting people in different areas of life. Consultation is a form of a dialogue to get to know different opinions on certain topic, assistance is a way of providing proffesional advice. Our support may therefore consist of consultations with our experienced occupational health and safety specialists, who will draw attention to potential shortcomings, required updates in documentations and help to prepare for inspections. It may also be just a visual inspection of rooms where the work is carried out and giving opinion on whether they comply with applicable legal regulations and general requirements.

Topics widely related to occupational health and safety and labor law. Why is it worth using the knowledge of our specialists? Because, by working with companies from many different industries, they have gained a lot of experience that they are happy to share.

Zastosujemy formę, która będzie najlepsza It all depends, what you prefer. We can arrange a meeting, telephone consultations, teleconferences or for example visual inspection of the workplace and then plan a discussion about our observations.

Occupational risk assessment at the client’s request according to the Polish Standard PN-N-18002

Are you aware that certain occupational risk relates to every work position? And you, as an employer, are obliged to inform about it your employees.

We are able to provide you with occupational risk assessment for any job position.

When is the occupational
risk assessment carried out?
How does the
whole process look like?
How long is
the document valid for?

The occupational risk assessment is always carried out:

  • when new job positions are created,
  • when technological or organisational changes are introduced to current job positions,
  • after a change in the requirements related to assessed job positions,
  • after a change in protective measures used in a workplace.


  • when measuring harmful factors for the very first time, or when the current results of it are fundamentally different from the previous ones,
  • after an accident at work.

Appointment of a team – involving qualified people: competent employees, OHS specialists or external experts, employee whose work position is being assessed.

Gathering information needed to conduct risk assessment:

  • localization of the job position and duties performed,
  • information about the employees: pregnant women, part-time workers, subcontractors, employees working outside the main company premises,
  • information about used materials, technological processes, activities performed and time of those activities,
  • already identified risks and their sources,
  • risks identified by user manuals of devices and machinery used and their potential effects,
  • protective measures used,
  • accidents and occupational diseases which happened already at assessed job position,
  • minimal health and safety standards regulated by guidelines relating to assessed job position.

Analysis of gathered information and identification of hazards occurring at the work position.

Occupational risk assessment related to identified threats.

Identification of actions eliminating or reducing occupational risks – we start with hazards with the highest risk of occurrence.

Documenting the results of occupational risk assessment – law does not regulate how this document should look like. 

Informing employees of the results of risk assessment – when doing so, employer should ensure, all information is properly understood.

There are no specific regulations on how often and in what way occupational risk assessment needs to be updated. However, there are number of situations when occupational risk assessment needs to be verified and renewed (point 1). The frequency of periodic updates should be determined in-house, but it is assumed that once a year is the most optimal.

Post-accident documentation preparation.

Unfortunately, accidents can happen even in those companies that have taken all recommended precautions. What to do when accident happens in your company? First off all, employer must appoint post-accident team, who will determine causes and circumstances of the accident and prepare all the required documentation.

Delegate this task to professionals. Contact us and we will carry out for you all the necessary procedures.

How does this
process look like?
Why do you
need post-accident documentation?
Why is it important that
this documentation is prepared correctly?

Post-accident report is a mandatory document specifying the circumstances and causes of an accident at work. It should be drawn up no later than within 14 days of notification of the accident and should comply with a standard established in the Regulation of the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy of 24 May 2019 on post-accident report template for determining the circumstances and causes of an accident at work (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1071).

  • It is necessary in order to be able to make legal classification of the accident, determine entitlements of the injured employee (and his family) to compensation.
  • Employer is also obliged to identify and apply preventive measures aimed at preventing similar accidents in the future.

Ensuring safe and hygienic working conditions is a basic and one of the most important duties of every employer. Actions aimed at improving work safety in the company after the accident will depend on how the post-accident documents are prepared and analysed.

Implementation of the Health and Safety Management System in accordance with PN-ISO 45001:2018

What is the Health and Safety Management System? Is it a document locked in the director’s desk? Definitely not. These are the daily actives of each employee that lead to an increased safety culture in the company.

If you would like to increase sense of safety for your employees, appoint us to develop and implement a Health and Safety Management System for you.

Should every company
have HS Management System?
What should
be included?
Who should
comply with it?
to inform employees?

It is voluntary. However, if you want to improve occupational health and safety in your company, it is an ideal tool to do so.

Why is it worth it? Implementation of Health and Safety Management System helps to fulfil the requirements of applicable law, enables to achieve benefits of improved level of occupational health and safety, contributes to the improvement of finances by eliminating loss related to accidents at work, failures, fires, explosions etc.

They are usually built on classic philosophy of continues improvement of quality known as the Deming circle (PDCA).

Basic elements of H&S Management System are:

  • Occupational health and safety policy,
  • Participation of employees,
  • Legal requirements and other obligations,
  • General and specific objectives,
  • Structure, responsibility and ranking,
  • Training, awareness, competence and motivation,
  • Internal communication,
  • Documentation of the H&S Management System,
  • Occupational risk assessment,
  • Supervision of subcontractors,
  • Corrective and preventive actions,
  • Active and proactive monitoring of health and safety,
  • Internal audits,
  • Management overview.


However, as in any case, a good example should come from above. Committed management is a key to success. It is also worth mentioning that, a modern management system requires to create safe workplace, which translates into continuous assessment and monitoring not only occupational risk, but all the risk related to occupational health and safety. Without building a robust system, based on commitment and awareness of all of the employees in the implementation of key aspects of occupational health and safety, it will not be possible to eliminate accidents at work.

In a way already agreed in the company. It can be in a form of a paper documents made available to each employee or electronically via the company intranet pages.

Health and Safety Audit

If you wonder whether all issues related to occupational health and safety: training, documentation, daily behaviour of your employees are at the correct level, do not wait any longer. Have us to conduct Health and Safety audit for you to find out what the actual picture of health and safety in your company is.

When H&S Audit
should be carried out?
How does the
process look like?
What information we
obtain from the audit?
What action needs to
be taken after the audit?

We perform it in order to facilitate easier implementation of appropriate solutions in the company, which are aimed at ensuring occupational health and safety for your employees.

Audit can be carried out at any time. However, there are situations when it is crucial. One of them is the expected inspection of the government body (National Labour Inspectorate or PIP in Polish). Employer may order audit if he is not sure if the health and safety requirements are at the mandatory level in his company.

It is also worth considering it after a few months of business operation and then carry it out at least once a year.

People conducting audit.

Audit is carried out by specialists – people who are able to assess the solutions implemented in the workplace with regards to health and safety.


During the audit, depending on needs, meeting with owners and employees are held, available documentation is reviewed, individual areas of activity are inspected.

Analysis and reporting.

The data is analysed for compliance with the standards. The auditor prepares a report which indicates potential threats and legal irregularities, provide recommendations that should be implemented to improve the existing state of health and safety.

The scope of the audit, often includes the following:

  • Work regulations,
  • Health and safety trainings (frequency),
  • Occupational risk assessment,
  • Working environment conditions,
  • First aid system,
  • Adaptation of workplaces,
  • Adaptation of work processes,
  • Employees’ medicals,
  • Fire safety,
  • Adaptation of sanitary rooms,
  • Work accidents register and occupational diseases register,
  • Personal protective equipment and its management,
  • Results of environmental studies,
  • Transport,
  • Storage,
  • Efficiency of machinery and other equipment,
  • Occurrence of harmful, dangerous and difficult factors,
  • Protocols from premises inspections.

It allows to check and evaluate current health and safety solutions and their functionality. It is a starting point to make changes.

Each audit evaluates and checks company’s health and safety rules with regards to applicable legal requirements. It lets to establish actual state and detects threats which need to be removed immediately. This certainly helps to prevent many potential work accidents.

It also allows to protect employer from legal and financial consequences that may results from non-compliance with certain standards.

Audit will indicate areas with certain irregularities. Employer should then prepare a plan of preventive and corrective actions based on the recommendations from report.


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