Guide for foreigners

Are you coming to Poland with business? Are you setting up a company or a branch in Poland? This publication is just for you. Please take a look!


Are you coming to Poland with business? Are you setting up a company or a branch in Poland? This publication is just for you.

A guide for foreign entrepreneurs on hiring employees.

E-book, where we will advise you on all of your duties as an employer regarding your employees in a simple and easily accessible way. This publication is in English.

You might already know, it is essential for you, because:

  • It will save your time –you don’t need to search for information, it is all there for you.
  • It will help you to avoid frustration relating to language barrier – all regulations on government websites are in Polish and the translator is not always familiar with professional terminology. Our publication is in English.
  • You will know who to ask for advice, who to consult in case of unexpected event, e-book will give you all the required contact details.

You can purchase e-book now!

Or you can read more information about it before you decide.

What is the
content of e-book?
Do I
need it?
You do not
need it, if:
What is included
in the price?

In our guide you will find all the information advising you about your duties as a employer regarding your employees at every stage of employment:

  • Recruitment
  • Signing contracts of employment
  • Gathering all necessary documentations relating to employee
  • Providing preventive medical care
  • Providing occupational health and safety trainings
  • Providing first aid
  • Procedures in case of employee’s contact with factors or work processes potentially harmful to health
  • Procedures relating to accidents at work or occupational diseases
  • Compensation payments
  • Retirement payments or disability benefits
  • Employing temporary workers
  • Protection of pregnant women and parental rights
  • Annual leaves/holidays and other exemptions from work
  • Issuing employment certificates

All information is current/ up to date and explained in easily accessible form.

It is likely you are asking yourself whether I really need it. You certainly need a knowledge included in there. As an entrepreneur, you are well aware that in the light of the law, you are obliged to know the provisions on labour protection, including the provisions and rules of occupational health and safety. Why? It’s very simple – even when some of the duties relating to employment and employment protection are delegated to internal bodies (HR department) or external parties (professionals who provide all the necessary training) – it is your responsibility those processes run appropriately. This can be noticed in cases of issues with employee or inspections.

  • You already have similar publication which you can use any time – some of our clients have ordered this publication in English adapted to their needs, maybe you are one of them.
  • You have no problems in finding the information you need and you follow changes in regulations on government website, you speak Polish (all regulations are in Polish) and you know which articles/paragraphs in Acts concern you (information is spread over many different regulations).
  • You simply know all the rules that apply to you.

If you think this does not relate to you, this e-book will certainly be useful to you. Please, also consider the cost of it- it is incommensurably small compared to the costs that may arise in the event of any failings with regards to employment.

  • E-book in PDF format.
  • Link to download free template to analyze condition of your health and safety system.
  • Satisfaction guarantee. If you decide, this product did not meet your expectation, we will offer you refund.

Conditions to receive the product

When we accept your payment, we will send you a link to download the product IMMEDIATELY.

In case of any questions, please contact us via email

PS. We endeavor to make sure all our publications, trainings, courses meet our clients requirements and we are constantly trying to improve them. If you want to share with us your opinion about this e-book or have any suggestions about its content, please contact us.

Who we are and why did we make e-book?

BHP Consulting Agnieszka Brykała

We have been providing our services including permanent advising, training, occupational health and safety supervision for over 17 years. Our team has the best health and safety specialists, fire protection professionals, auditors. We work in Poland with local and foreign entrepreneurs.

Our mission is to ensure employers provide appropriate level of safety for their employees. We follow Richard Branson’s quote: The most important are not your clients but your employees. If you care about your employees, they will care about your clients.

We often communicate with our clients who share with us their successes, problems and describe their needs. It helps us to progress: we introduce new forms of trainings – we do not only provide face-to-face trainings but also courses and trainings on-line. We constantly update our documents templates, presentations or publications for our clients.

That was also the reason for making this e-book. A number of our foreign clients mentioned to us how difficult is to find appropriate regulations, provisions, rules. How language barrier was the issue. How frustrating was the fact that instead of focusing on developing the company, they had to spend time to look for the right information. And one of our clients even told us that his dream was to be able to have such a publication which would include all relevant information. Therefore, we made it happen. From now on, it is available also to you.

Szukasz firmy, która z pełnym zaangażowaniem zajmie się wdrożeniem zasad BHP w Twojej firmie?

JESTEŚ W ODPOWIEDNIM MIEJSCU. Chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej temat naszych szkoleń, prezentacji czy dokumentów? Masz dodatkowe pytania w kwestii nadzoru BHP podczas realizacji projektu? Chcesz zlecić nam stałą i pełną obsługę w zakresie BHP lub masz pytania dotyczące naszych usług i tego, co możemy dla Ciebie zrobić? A może chcesz dołączyć do programu afiliacyjnego i potrzebujesz więcej informacji?

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